Swallow follows the life of a stuck-in-between-a-hard-place-and-a-rock-woman (Tolani) whose survival in the city is in the hands of an employer who exploits his position. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one of the components of the physiological needs is homeostasis which is the tendency of a system to maintain internal stability or a state of psychological equilibrium. Tension in humans can be a driving force and push humans to excel but if that tension is excessive then it can become debilitating. This book explores the extremes of tension and how human beings react differently to that tension.
'I preferred your father's way. He appreciated me enough to leave me alone and I could do almost anything I wanted'
I've recently learnt a lot particularly regarding love and how it works with freedom and not against it. Our inclination, when it comes to love is to move towards co-dependence, we romanticise it, think 'when he cries, I taste salt' vibes. Co-dependence is not sustainable and it usually results in dysfunction. A lot of men I've spoken to speak of how marriage is an institution and within the context of marriage, there is not a lot of freedom for him to still be able to do the things he used to love doing. There is a general negative attitude towards marriage and yet many a man succumb to it. Perhaps there are ultimatums or perhaps there is the male-mother-need aspect that the MGTOW men talk a lot about or even just a general case of FOMO. In this book, there are ultimatums which just don't end well, do they ever? The quote above is from Tolani's mother who expresses an alternative to the general love-and-unfreedom coupling where there is room in a relationship for people to still be themselves fully and still also be able to explore their personal interests. If someone falls in love with your full-of-life-ness, what kind of love wants to tame that? The very thing that made you fall for the person in the first place is the thing that comes to die in the name of love and marriage? I prefer the alternative and I owe that largely to Bell Hooks' All About Love. Tolani's father, for the most part, was able to exercise that freedom until he succumbed to the societal pressures of a man needing to keep his wife in check. The thing with freedom is that it really is an indispensable part of a fully lived experience, it brings joy and is catalytic to self actualisation.
'My father told me once, "You are not special. There are many like you in this world. Do not consider your good fortune a blessing or their bad fortune a curse. It could easily be the other way around" '
The truth is the family you were born into, the socio-economic status you were born into, the race or country you were born into are arbitrary in as much as that you really had no say into where you landed as a baby. You landed where you landed. Tolani's father was speaking particularly to that, warning her to not become arrogant as though to be born into a house of good fortune was where she rightly belonged and where she would always be. In Rowan Hooper's Super Human he speaks of the equanimous farmer who is a man who goes through a series of good fortune followed by misfortune (Law of Undulation) which is part of being human and he reacts with the same attitude to every single event. Being equanimous teaches us to handle feats with humility and defeats with understanding and so much of our happiness is not in the hands of things external to us.
'Morality was an easy friend to part with, yet so hard to avoid thereafter'
'The prospect of misfortune was more than enough threat, and it was around us, killing people, turning them into prostitutes, making them sick, hungry, crazy, and I was not special'
Robert Sapolsky from the University of Stanford says that decisions we think are led by morality or rationality are usually made as a result of affect. Our bodies react to stimuli in a certain way before our pre-frontal cortex gets to cognitively process that stimuli. I think that for most of us, morality does not come before self preservation particularly when it comes to death. Our morality will bend for our survival. Tolani goes through a moral journey where she, due to the tension mentioned earlier, begins to bend and really considers doing things she thought she never would. They say 'blessed are those who bend, for they shall never be broken', does this apply to morality as well?
'Vroom! You should have seen the old woman who was sitting on her chair with a chewing stick in her mouth. Vroom! Instead of spitting, she swallowed. Vroom! She slapped her chest. Vroom! She fell off her stool'
LOL! This was the reaction by an elderly neighbour witnessing Tolani's mother riding a Vespa. Riding a Vespa was just not done by women and not by women who were married because somehow riding a Vespa disrespects your husband. When Tolani's mother was first learning to ride the Vespa, her complaint was who would design a Vespa without consideration for women who had to wear a wrapper which kept getting stuck in the Vespa. Tolani's mother was very practical and she says how she would wear pants if she could. Even though she had freedom, her freedom was impeded because it was constricted to a certain radius; bigger than for most but there nonetheless. What I appreciated about Tolani's mother was that she understood that certain advancements required her to be practical. A wrapper was just not practical for a Vespa. In one of Bell Hooks' essays, she mentions how enslaved women who worked on plantations would still go to the fields in dresses and skirts even though it would have been easier for them to wear pants. There are freedoms others take away from us and there are also freedoms that we take from ourselves.
I'm going to wrap up this post with a quote that hit home from the book about the nature of death, the disguises it wears, the frequency of its visits, its whim, its softness or hardness, its persuasiveness or its force depending on the colour of your skin.
'Frowning, laughing, crying, smiling, there was no normal way to react to the news that people died unnecessary deaths, avoidable deaths, ridiculous deaths, African deaths.'