These people, white people, were living under a lie. More, they were, in some profound way, suffering for the lie. They had seen more of the world than I had- but not more of humanity itself.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
That first morning of the first work week of the restored and hopeful New Year
With heart inflated with gladness, and buoyed with communion and community
I was swept by a black tide making its ways to the shores of gainful employment
And I was complicit, a freshwater dancer myself, I was affected, I was drenched
There we were, humanity itself, washing over the rolling tarmac of Jan Smuts Avenue
Stern faces taking work seriously in a country with a knee-buckling unemployment rate
There can be no buckling knees when the mode of transportation is one's own legs
A resolve momentarily broken to buy magwinya and scones from the local vendor
The rigidity of faces and bags clutched tightly under arms from economic opportunists
Betrayed by their bodies swaying to an inculcated cultural cadence like the ripple of a wave
But have you seen a black person walk? Oh, what a song of skating on invisible ice that is
We are Miriam Makeba's Pata Pata people, and we playfully surf the turf, a walk, a two-step
A symphony of a gait, nayi le walk yom'hlaba, a commute turned into a mighty perambulation
Thank you, Moonchild, and you too Unk for a response to trying moon cycles, we walk it out
We are terrestial people, of the soil, rest assured Adam was black and blue for being cast out
Beyond all attempts to cast us out to the edges of existence, we belong to the land and it to us
Although we have to wax and wane our physical bodies into and out of the sight of whites
Although we hold inequality in our hearts like the sheer face of a slippery escarpment
We've turned our blues into songs that keep the spirits buoyant, giving hue to skies and seas
Our humanity is fathoms deep, si no buntu, thina abantu. We, the people traipsing over tightropes
Unlike Johnny of new, our elegance is in the rhythm we bring to daily human tasks
Like Johnny of old, our beginnings have been humble, a fishing rod in hand, he walked
And God has made us, the people of the very beginnings, fisher of the men of yesterday
To cast our nets of hope wide for humanity to breathe again, we walk still, a testimony
We are the metronome which times the rising and the setting of the sun on long days
The shadows that stalk the hearts of men fall a few shades lighter for me, I recognize
The case of employment has been a light mist and not heavy droplets of sweaty labour
My shorelines are littered with shells of autonomy, air-conditioning and AeroPress coffee
In the ways that matter most and ultimate, the soul ways, I am surrounded by MY people
I've climbed into this skin with pride, this pigment of humanity, melanin of metanoia
Breaking psychologies of death with the resilience that terraforms the soulless, occupy stars
Solzhenitsyn's line runs through our hearts as well, our palms are white from drowning our own
But herein lies the difference: We, with all our flaws and missteps, we are the people with faces
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