Nothing exists but you and I/ And if we two be not/ Then God is no more God/ And down must fall the sky
- Angelus Silesius
The demons sought to dispose of your sorry heart
Still being precious, they put it up for auction
Brittle for being broken, it didn't transport well
Sorcerers, the world over, scrambled for the pieces
They knew I would come looking for you
Hearing rustling in the wind of our great love
Relying heavily on the degree of dispersion
As further discouragement to an aggrieved heart
It became the athletic tape holding tendons together
Keeping sternum and spine upright in purpose
Like the rod of Moses in hand, not on the ground
And the voice without words offering direction
The sweat of my brow condensated into clouds
With the downpour, a portent of an unwelcome arrival
Heard my resolute footfall on the stairs of the world
Turned to Vulcan for reinforcement to temper my will
Pieces of him found in glass cases within red rooms
Indecent displays of wealth, conquests and spoils
Ordering the sand in the glass back to the sea
The reflective surface disappeared with its allure
Then there were impenetrable cryptographic safes
Pythagoras and Aryabhata took back their inventions
The primes were gone and so were their music
Only sound heard is the click and creaking of the door
One occasion boasted of a three-headed guard dog
Descendant of Fluffy with bone crushing jaws
The music returned in the form of flutes playing
Lulling the dogs to sleep, putting jaws out of service
They speak of a work ethic labouring for a few pennies
This labour of love is my magnum opus in the oeuvre
The work that speaks for itself in itself against all that has
Sought and sometimes succeeded to hurt me in my heaven
Taking on a new name, inaugurated as The Greatest Love
My sermon on the mount, ministering to the hearts of all
Men by redeeming this one as though it were the only one
This heart precious beyond estimation broken on a rock
Imbokodo: When the strength and might of a woman
Parallels the abject humiliation of a good man trying
I'll stand by you, even in hand-cutting smithereens
Caloused hand not heart, I'll hold you ever so close
Reduced to the grains of dust from whence you came
With drops of water, I'll thicken and substantiate you
Offer you back a rib to refashion yourself out of and a
Loving word cleaning out the desert sands from your ears
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